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Avatar since: 01/07/2006

Age: 34
United States - TN
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•°•Cute When You Scream•°•

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For those who are interested here is a little info. about me. ^_^ I'm 15 and a very rebelous girl! lol what do you expect when you live in a little town like mine and all the people are fake? Surprisingly I have found a couple good friends here who aren't two-faced sluts and sleep around with my sloppy seconds. I would have to say my interest are soccer (which is my favorite sport!!) and I also play on our highschool team,going to parties (getting drunk! lol) , going down to the bottoms and mudding!! (hoping not to get stuck),riding fourwheelers or dirtbikes (I love racing them!),shopping (OH YEA! Burning holes in my parents pockets!),reading (I know, surprised?),Starbucks (mmmm!!),music (Rock!! Hip-Hop and Rap..but mostly rock..), my cell phone (A girl can't live without it!),and this lovely computer (which isn't that lovely..)! Most of my days I'm out with friends getting in trouble .lol. or sneaking out of the house ready to get in trouble. But when I am home I'm either on the computer ,riding the dirtbikes or fourwheelers,or simply acting like a good girl to get some brownie points ^_^ Trust me...I need as many as I can get! If you'd like to know more about me or simply chat because for some ironic reason I sound interesting feel free to IM me.I love meeting new people! If you do IM though, please have something to talk about not just be like "uhh.." ^_^ If your gonna be a asshole and bitch about me (all those HATERS! you now who you are) ..please do me a favor and just leave a message. Then I'd happily return a sweet message back to you! Also D0NT BEG ME F0R SHiT (I think I speak for everyone on ^_^) ..I only give people gifts who I think deserve them. When you do meet me dont take everything I say WAY to seriously..'cause I'm just one of those girls who like to joke around about everything! I mean I love making people laugh and I love hearing a good joke myself. You can add me if you want ;p just give me a heads up so I know! *See Ya Around, and remember Leave Me A Message ^_^ I love reading them!*
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