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Avatar since: 16/06/2008

Age: 47  18+ Age Verifié Age Verified
United States - KS
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I am but a thread in this tapestry of life. Sister Fates, do what ye will.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
Well, this is it. I leave for Afghanistan November 2nd. I have been reinstated back into teh Army. I may be gone for who knows how long. Please stay in touch. As will i try to when I can get my hands on a computer. For those who are m dear friends. I will miss you terribly. keep our good memories close and know I will think about you.

*UPDATE* Everyone, this is Becca, Ricks real sister. I will leave this page up for awhile. But, Rick while in Afghanistan, was working on helicopters. His got shot down after a fly by maintence check. After a long fight in surgery and the loss of his leg. The schrapnel that got stuck in his brain hemoraged. He didnt make it. He is survived by his sister, me. And our mother. We are very proud of what he did to serve this Nation. Those of you who knew him, please send prayers for him, and know that now he is with God and is smiling down upon us all with his love, caring, and compassion. Rick, we love you, and I will forever miss my Big brother.


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