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Avatar since: 23/10/2005

Age: 40
United States - CA
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Welcome to the official Dead Pleasures HP!
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
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Check it out! Melvin now has his very own Twitter account!
Ma wishlist
My wishlist is here simply so I can remember everything I would like to buy, when I finally have credits enough to do so. But, if you want to buy Melvin and me a present, there will be no objections whatsoever to generous individuals. Thanks!

[\] +White Soul's Rose+{e}lumiere dead rouge!SM! Patricia White(RT)PLATINUM AISHWARYA HNova~ Mint Allyon Hair
Fog SpotMX Shaman hat `le FemmeAsmodeus' Roses 2 VasedBlack Piano w/SoundVari Crystal White Shoes
[D™ eJewl LollisANY SKIN Elf Ears (F)Animated Gothic FantasySmall and Waisted AngelFan Poses
Vari Crystal Red Shoes¤C¤ Nails floral Marinespacerspacerspacer
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