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Mon bac à sable
I am no longer an active IMVU developer. I do not take requests and I will not respond to suggestions or answer questions. I apologize, but I no longer consider IMVU to be worth any of my time anymore. If you are interested in what I might be working on now have a look at my Deviantart Gallery or my Tumblr Gallery. DO NOT message me in either of these places asking for more IMVU items or badges. You will be promptly blocked/ ignored.
Mes nouveaux produits Voir toutes
*A* Evelynn Skin*A* Short Evelynn*A* Messy Evelynn*A* Wispy Evelynn*A* Lively Evelynn*A* Foxy Evelynn
Mes Badges
Obtenez ce badge Hellsing
Obtenez ce badge Dragonfly Organization
Obtenez ce badge Anna Badge
Obtenez ce badge Banana Sticker
Obtenez ce badge FemShep

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