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My name is Tiera.I'm a fifteen year old girl and I live in New York.I'm a very shy person at first.But once i get to know somebody, i'm more outgoing..I dont really go on too much so if you wanna talk to me it's probably best if you message me.I'll get back to you faster.Uhhh....what else to say...hmm..I hate school..or maybe just my school.I dream of getting piercings one day.And maybe a tattoo.Not gonna say what of because people tend to steal ideas.I want to move to British Columbia..I love watching Secret Life of the American Teenager,Persons unknown,and Big Brother.I'm an only child.I get lonely sometimes.But I have a ton of cousins to make up for it.I'm an artist.I'm currently working on a comic.I use to love facebook until so many old people starting going on it...I mean really....Uhhh...guess that's it.

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