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Avatar since: 25/03/2007

Age: 41
United States - NM
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I need a people sized fly swatter!
Relationship Status: Single
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What Death Note Character Are You?
What Death Note Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime What Death Note Character Are You?
What Death Note Character Are You?
Hosted By Anime To whom it may concern, i lay dead upon my floor broken and bleeding beside your front door ' if perhaps you see me you see not as i was before, for in the broken bones a crippled youth you see her beauty unforeseen in death as in life her heart is cast in stone her mind a ray of light as blinding as the sun her eyes they see no more you call to her to see but her head lays limp and smashed a long fall this goddess took to crash upon the rocks a broken doll a ray of light this creature who was once a sight beheld is now no longer living now my story has been told to those it may concern and to those it does not you all can come with me to rott

Dame Exchanging Loving and Lustful Affection
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Deadly, Evil, Livestock-Lacerating Abomination
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What Shinigami Are You?
Hosted By Anime
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My beautiful sister in soul and mind my confidant my heart and my soul Sister without you id be a true corpse
My sexy Knight in shiny underwear i <3 you 4ever never 4 get when first we met sword drawn at ready to defend my honor XD
My mom and my comfort the one who gifted me with so much i love you mom and am 4ever greatful that Kia picked you for my mother
My evil gothis Goddess....need i say more?
my crazy love god treat my sister right or i may have to strangle u with her pantys
The name says it all ty for being a great friend you know what i mean
yay my sun shiny diva i luv you girl run with the wind and never look back baby
mmm what can i say YOU ROCK! kisses n hugs and lotsa luv n no matter what im here
sigh you make my heart melt with your wonderful and graceful literature always my favorite story teller /whispers too bad it couldnt be real "huggles n kisses
yay sexy lady ^^ hugs n kisses always awaiting our shared showers
My FAVORITE DJ EVER! (not to mention the sexiest ask the millions of girls throwing themselves at his feet lol
my all night gabby sweet heart i luv u girl and i hope you are enjoying 2moons
^^ a sweet and kind lady my random buddy giggles hugs n kisses
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