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◄----- WELCOME -----►

Thank you for visiting my page, I am honored you took the time to check out the work I did.

........ Who are we kidding lol your just stalking my profile XD

The real me behind this keyboard does have feelings, just incase you thought otherwise. Contrary to popular belief, the emotions, thoughts, and actions I place into my characters are actually me. Just because I choose to express myself in one way or another through one character or another doesn't mean that I don't mean what I say and say what I mean. If you do not like the fact that I am a stubborn, outspoken, hard-headed submissive at heart then please click the small red [x] at the top of your webpage and leave me be.

I am not a "thing" to be played with and tormented for your amusement and if what I say offends you LEAVE! I was NOT put on this earth to "please" you in every way shape or form as most seem to think the BDSM community is about. It is a deeply involved relationship one I crave to share with ONE person not one person and 5 other submissives. HOWEVER what you do in another room or pc that I do not know about is up to you. Give me my attention and love and I will forever stay loyal. Poly or not that is your decision and I do not judge you for that. I also do not change you, so please save your rantings for someone who actually cares.

Now... If you still are around and reading on please feel free to talk to me or continue stalking me further. = ^_^ =


I have many furry forms, fox, demon pup, normal puppy, faun, ect. though mostly I am either a Mew or a wolf. I also have several dragon like forms and a few more human appearing ones for those of less imaginative minds :p.
I have no mate at this time for any characters and have no major roleplays going on but I am always on the lookout for a good roleplay or two even if in a pc. I am also unowned/uncollared at this time as well. I do currently own one submissive male, though I dont often collar. I am always up for a bit of fun roughhousing and a good laugh.

Single... But your welcome to change that.

Unowned... But your welcome to try to tame the beast.

Unbonded... Do not attempt unless a bonded mated pair.

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