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Avatar depuis : 2007-08-06
Age: 42
États-Unis - HI
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"Drop by sometime."

See My Albums (1)

Aloha Everyone, You can call me Cinderella (which is really my middle name irl), or Grim (my nickname given to me by my best friend). I'm pretty laid back thanks to living in Hawaii for several years now. Life on a tropical island is definitely less stressful than living on the U.S. mainland. My best qualities are my resourcefulness, determination, intuition, and passion. I am very task focused & I put every effort that I possibly can in handling the task to the best of my abilities. I can handle being under pressure well enough to survive another day & I always enjoy a good challenge. I am temperamental to the extreme so I can be your best friend or your worst enemy, but never both. I am quite secretive so you will only know what I tell you about myself. I have an intense magnetic energy that draws people to me whether I like it or not. 9 times out of 10 most people do not realize that I am seething angry at them because they only see a calm & controlled girl staring back at them. I admit to being jealous more often than I would like. Jealousy is probably one of my worst traits, but I embrace it because it is a part of who I am. I am a bit obsessive-compulsive when it comes to assessing situations & creating a remixed situation that would better suit the parties involved. I pride myself on my ability to regenerate & come back to life full force. I don't mind if you add me to your buddy list just let me know ahead of time, so that I'm not half wondering who the effin' hades all of the requests are from. If I am in "Do Not Disturb" mode then I am most likely revamping my page, studying for a class, sketching, or busy creating digital art projects. Please don't get offended if I am seemingly stuck in the cold dark waters of the "Do Not Disturb" abyss. I'll hook up with you later. ;) I absolutely despise receiving chainletters & posts from beggars. Nothing comes from doing either, so don't waste both of our time with that nonsense. I hope this gave you some insight into who I am & that you enjoy your visit to my homepage.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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