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Age: 38 18+ Age Verifié Âge vérifié
États-Unis - FL
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Leon A. Takeshi
. Breed → Lycan
. Age → 22
. Eyes → Were Green with a splash of gold but now are as cold as the night blue
. Hair → Was Blonde/White but now is Midnight black
. Religion → Strongly stands by Bushido and Buddhism
. Weapons → Katana,Wakizashi,Tanto,Yumi,etc.
. Trained In → Kyujutsu,Kenjutsu,Muay Thai,Shidokan,Hapkido,etc.
. Skills → Fast Reflexes, Wisdom, Patience.
. History →
Half Irish and Half Chinese he was born in a small town in China named Haikou.He was brought up as a samurai from his fathers side of the family.Trained diligently from the age of 3 to 19.He was a very loyal son,being the first out of 3 ,he was brought up in a harder environment.They held their own very well as they raised their own share of livestock and crops.At the age of 16 his father and mother passed leaving him with his two younger siblings(13,14).A war broke out shortly after causing devastation and confusion as it tore him apart from his younger siblings.On his quest to find his brothers he became good friends with Lycans that he met along the way and was given the gift to become on of them.With his new found strength he is now determined to find siblings.Till this day he still is on a search for the both of them.Hoping that one day he will be reunited with his blood.

↓ knowledgeable ↓

· name → vincent
· surname → miternacht
· repute → red steele
· era → assumed to be twenty seven
· breed → genetically enhanced human
· gender → male
· occupation → rebel
· blood-type → a
· birthplace → unknown
↓ anatomical ↓

· hair color → obsidian
· eye color → golden
· skin → synthetic moonlight
· type → sinuous-lithe
· height → six foot
· weight → one hundred and eighty-six
· structure → athletically toned
↓ miscellaneous ↓

· disposition → calm, collective and down to earth, not a man to start fights but easily capable of finishing them
· alignment → chaotic neutral
· philosophy → just war
· vices → lust, pride, wrath
· virtues → charity, diligence, humility
↓ conflict ↓

· threat level → massive
· specialization → physical prowess
· weapon → smith & wesson model 500 .50-cal. magnum
· weapon title → hammer of god
· weapon rounds → .50 cal hollow point rounds
↓ current party ↓
· empty
· empty
· empty
↓ the past ↓

· vincent miternacht, successor to his father gabriel miternacht in the long held family tradition of protecting the main corporate bodies of the coporation his family had helped build years prior. trained from the moment he was able to weild a weapon for this exact job, they couldn't allow simply anyone to be the guardians of their lives. they had to have a form of trust, sadly he would fall to the same hidden fate his father and forefathers had. mysteriously the guardian always seemed to die of un-natural causes, the miternacht family never knew why. over the years the guardian would come to gain valuable information and eventually they would have to kill them off, not being able to trust them. as vincent stumbled upon something he should not have he was subject to the fatality his father had faced. for reasons still unknown to him the main head he had protected injected him with two different syringes, each containing an organism that granted him inhumane powers and seemed to make him immortal, seeing as he never aged a day since. he's able to perform supernatural feats. increased speed, agility, hearing, strength, reflex, even a cloaking ability. vincent was immune when they attempted to kill him so instead they captured him and conducted experiments on him, eventually he broke away, all they had done was make him even more powerful. he grew to hate the corporation once he'd learned the truth, and fearing he would try and cause a revolt within his bloodline they killed the miternacht bloodline, leaving only vincent seeing as they could not find him. now he terrorizes the organization, ruining operations and seeking for revenge against those whom took everything he had ever known.

↓ knowledgeable ↓
· name → Adries
· surname → Earthdoe
· repute → General Earthdoe
· era → 24
· breed → High Elf/Wood Elf
· gender → Male
· occupation → General
· birthplace → Athel Loren
↓ anatomical ↓
· hair color → Seal Brown
· eye color → Golden/Emerald
· skin → Tan
· height → 6'1'
· weight → 169 · structure → Athletically Toned
↓ miscellaneous ↓
· disposition → Calm,In Tune with Spirituallity and Nature,Probelm Solver.
· alignment → Neutral
· philosophy → To keep his people and Athel Loren at peace
· vices →
· virtues → Patient,Caring,Highly Skilled.
↓ conflict ↓
· threat level → Massive
· specialization → Archery,Magic
· weapon → Bow and Arrow
· weapon title → Ochre Rust
↓ current party ↓
· His Mother
· His Father
· Wood Elf Army
↓ the past ↓

His mother and father were both noted as High Elves,Arwen Earthdoe and Alirreah Earthdoe.Whilst Allireah was pregnant with Adries there was a political struggle between the High Elves and other warring nations,the High Elves then called all colonies to return to Ulthuan.Arwen and Allireah became quite attached to the woodland homes they had resided in during the dispute and refused to return to Ulthuan,causing all of their followers and fellow elves to become outcasts of the elven society.They then decided to create their own homes deep in the woods of Athel Loren.This bringing them much closer to the woodland spirits and animals living in the forest.A few months after the forest was made into its own colony young Adries was concieved.His eyes were a hazel tint with a touch of a few shades of emerald.His skin was a caramel sunkissed color that contrasted quite well with his dark bark tinted hair.His ears being leaf shaped,wiggeling everytime he smiled or laughed.He began training immediatley from the day that he could stand on his own two feet.His father being a highly skilled archer and his mother skilled with weapons of magic,he became quite knowledable with both.Along with the training he also recieved a noble companion when he was just a child,An enchanting white and tan painted clydesdale horse,He named it Voronwe.Now as he is older he is a general along with his father of the Wood Elven Army.

─────────── [ + e n t i t y

+ n a m e - seire
+ s u r n a m e - alastor
+ r e p u t e - hells lament
+ r e b i r t h - 1204
+ c l a s s - demon
+ g e n d e r - male

─────────── [ + a n a t o m y

+ h a i r - platinum
+ e y e s - melanistic black
+ c o m p l e x i o n - synthetic moonlight
+ e l e v a t i o n - six foot two
+ o p p r e s s i o n - one hundred seventy four
+ s t r u c t u re - slim, athletic

─────────── [ + c h a r a c t e r

+ d i s p o s i t i o n - arrogant, calculative, lacking a soul
+ a l l e g i a n c e - katsumoto, and Melania
+ a l i g n m e n t - chaotic evil
+ t h e m e - black diamond
+ o c c u p a t i o n - leader

─────────── [ + c o m b a t

+ t h r e a t - high
+ s p e c i a l t y - sword master / demon magic
+ w e a p o n - broad sword
+ t i t l e - vendetta
+ d e f e n s e - spiked gauntles
+ i n s i g n i a - blade brothers

─────────── [ + m a g i c

+ e l e m e n t - dark, fire, lightning, ice
+ m a s t e r y - high
+ a m p l i t u d e - severe
+ p o t e n c y - medium
+ r a n g e - close to medium range
+ r e c o i l - moderate

─────────── [ + s p e l l s

+ h e l l f i r e - the user lifts their arms and in unison black flames crack the crust of the earth, rising above towards the enemy in a chain.
+ s t r i n g s o f f a t e - the user is capable of influencing objects to move to his will, and weak minded souls.
+ s k y h a m m e r - lightning falls from the sky, striking towards the enemy and on impact causes an explosive effect.
+ f a d e t o b l a c k - the surrounding environment becomes devoid of light and the user opens their mouth to emit shadows which consume the enemy, the impact being the pain and fury of the lost souls, swallowing the enemy in their grasp.
+ v i n d i c t i v e g a l e - the temperature changing dramatically a violent wind blows and the sun is engulfed by stormy clouds, with a few hand movements a controlled blizzard cuts the enemy with shards of ice.
+ o b s c u r e m i s t - mist rolls from seemingly nowhere onto the battlefield, twisting and consuming everything within view, the enemies pysche being drained and creating hallucinogens that can render them insane.

─────────── [ + h i s t o r y

+ a r c h a i c -
an era of bloodshed, a heartless race, and death as common as breathing. the objects that would create a catalyst, catapulting a young male into a perspective of steele. the steele that drips blood, the blade...seire, a rouge demon from birth, wandering the depths of hell, battlefield his home and death his enemy and ally, a double edged sword that loomed over his heart, or whatever it was that pulsated within his chest. he grew without mercy, he grew without forgiveness, and he grew without love, the only weaknesses that would render him useless. the same traits that propelled him to become a fiend on the battlefield, a true demon, not only defined by his blood but by his character and demeanor. the kind that knew not remorse and every relationship he'd ever had, had been followed by he engaged hibitually, in battle that is, hell grew to be without a challenge, so he drifted to the plain between heaven and hell, earth. some even call it the true limbo, there he met a man, katsumoto ren, the only equal he'd ever known, and it is here that his story begins.

+ p a s t -

two demons, unrivaled save for now, the only brotherhood that seire had ever come to known. bloodshed followed them everywhere, it was second to walking. [ under construction ]
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