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Avatar since: 11/09/06

United States
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You will know me by the Scars I bear, you will know me by the Hate I swear...
Relationship Status: Single
Mes centres d'intérêts

Interests: Silver and Bronze Age comics and graphic novels; heavy metal and hard rock; tabletop, online, and forum role playing; creative writing; character art; pets, (especially cats!); forensic science and procedural television programs; serial killers; paranormal encounters; electronics; video games; general chat

A little about me: I'm an old woman, career professional, never married and no children of my own. I own (or am owned by) cats, and am the guardian for my late sister's two children. Since the Cat-to-Human ratio under one roof is balanced, I do not qualify as a Crazy Cat Lady.

Multi-character roleplayer, ringleader and instigator of debauchery. Please visit my web profile for more information.
Mon bac à sable


The Rules


Coming Soon!


Out of Character Notes, (or How NOT to end up booted). Please Observe:

01. This is a roleplaying room. If you do not know what that is, kindly take the time to learn. You may be enriched, you may be repulsed, but you will have learned something and saved yourself some humiliation. We are NOT a general chat room, a hook up room, a gift-giving room or a chill room. Hell, we are not even nice. If you are looking for anything but roleplaying, kindly go somewhere else.
02. We are NOT Idiot Friendly. If one does not have the common courtesy to read a room description upon entering and behave accordingly, the offender WILL be booted. You would not appreciate it if a stranger rolled into your open house gathering and crashed the party. We do not appreciate it either.
03. Please pay at least passing attention to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure. This means that any person of reasonable academic capacity can differentiate between a character's action and dialogue without needing an Enigma Device. I prefer static text and quotation marks myself.
04. Please write in THIRD person, as one would do when authoring a book of fiction. When making posts, please try to include your character's name or moniker once in a while. I try to include it at least once per post. It helps us all out!
05. We do not adhere to "Tiers". The concept is ridiculous; just as much can be said in a short refrain as can be said in a novelette. Fifty lines describing that stone is cold may be fine for a novel, but it is extraneous and unnecessary for producing a collaborative story. Scale to the situation, not because of some nebulous manufactured requirement.
06. There is no such thing as a 'post order'. While taking turns is part of roleplaying, it makes no sense to needlessly wait on someone else who is not part of the scene in which you are participating. By the way, take turns. Give the person with whom you are engaged a chance to respond before posting again.
07. Feuds, fighting, murder and mayhem are all part and parcel of the setting, but keep it in character. Treat each other with dignity and respect when speaking to each other out of character.
08. That reminds me. Out of Character, or OOC, needs to be in brackets. (( Like this )), or similar. We are not required nor am I in the practice of giving warnings.
09. Speaking of which, kindly keep the OOC chatter to a minimum. We all like to cut up and have fun, but please do not let it get out of hand. It is disruptive.
10. This room is in the General Audience arena. ONLY General Audience Catalog Products are allowed. Advisory notices may or may not be issued.
11. By the by. NO: Voice boxes, obnoxious animations, annoying effects, or music items permitted. No product sound effects, either. We are roleplayers; we can evoke sounds well enough through the written word.
12. Please limit avatar size to no larger than a generous 3,000 Kilobytes. The room needs no help with increasing its potential to lag. IMVU does that well enough for us.
13. The worst feeling in the world is for a narrator to take the time to craft a well written post and end up outrightly ignored. Please make an effort to at least acknowledge another's initial post, even if it is a brief mention in a 'meanwhile', cheeky kind of way.
14. The basic etiquette of roleplaying is enforced. Absolutely no: God-Moding (As in, the invulnerable/can-do-anything character) , metagaming (Using OoC information IC), or Puppeteering (Hard Controlling another character's action or reactions). There are more guidelines on how to engage in roleplay that makes the experience enjoyable for everyone (you can find such a guide here), but those aforementioned are the fundamental No-Nos consistent with any good session.

15. Prohibited/Restricted Concepts. It has been my experience that some people just want to enter into a weenie wagging contest of one-upmanship. To combat this unfortunate, juvenile behavior, some concepts must be stripped down, worked into a theme, or outright banned. These are subject to change without notice.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspGods: Gods are restricted. Gods do not walk among mortals; they send agents, prophets, or their avatars. For our purpose, Gods are only as strong as the number of followers that worship him or her. Most Gods do not even bother to appear upon the mortal plane at all, instead communicating with their chosen through prayer, visions, or miracles.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspDemons: Demons are restricted. Demons may walk among mortals, but they are restricted to being invisible influences that occupy spaces, inhabit objects, or possess people. Their ability to affect the outside world is limited to scratching, telekinesis, possession, influencing dreams, limited manifestations, creating illusions, inflicting illness, and other 'classic' demon abilities that are restricted to their location, object or host. They are affected by holy objects depending on the diametrically opposed faith from which the demon is derived. A Djinn might be repelled by both Judeo-Christian and Muslim prayers, but might not affect a Japanese Oni without a Shinto Priest.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspVampires: Everyone loves a well played vampire. Everyone hates one badly played. Antediluvians and older vampires who managed to survive the last round of Purging are not likely to show themselves in public out of a sense of self preservation, but they would have created a host of servants, chattel, and ghouls to do their work and slake their thirst. In layman's terms, no vampire that's out wandering around should older than the time of the First Crusade. I really like WotC Vampire: The Masquerade for reference material, but can draw from any lore. Vampires do not have to worry too much about restrictions on powers granted to them through Lore, but keep it reasonable?
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspWere-creatures: You're cool, though you need a at least one bane. Werewolves are afflicted by silver, Werecrows by Gold, for example.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTrue Mages: The Stuff of Magic is a powerful thing. You, puny mortal, DARE to tinker with the wheels of the cosmos and expect not to be punished? Newton's Third Law should be your guiding principle: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. WotC Mage: The Ascension has some ideas, but is not gospel. If you call down a meteor swarm, though, you should get belted with some horrible consequence, be it haunting paradox spirit, suffering madness, or something else.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspTrue Witches and Warlocks, Clerics and Priests: Also Known as Conduits, these folk differ from True Mages in that they get their power from an otherworldly source. That source is still prone to the above caveats.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHedge Wizards, Mediums, Sorcerers, Soothsayers, etc: Falling somewhere between Raw Power and Borrowed Power, most classic forms of Witchcraft fall here. These types of spell slingers are not powerful off the cuff like the previous two, but can accomplish small feats of real magic without pissing off reality too much. These types rely on tradition and well established paths within the confines of the cosmos through ritual spell casting, spell components, enchantments, alchemy, nature, and so forth.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspPsychics: Differing from the previous three entries, these individuals draw power from within instead of manipulating mystical forces from without. Projecting one's will is a horrible tax upon the body, especially to those who just realized their abilities. New Psychics will have access to one Discipline to start, until they expand into an array that fits their primary numina. Array powers will never be as potent as the parent, which only makes sense. For example of arrays, someone who has Telepathy might develop Passive Empathy (reading emotions), Active Empathy (imposing emotions), and Mind Control. Another Telepath that might pursue a different set, expanding into Enhancement (manipulating their own body to augment their attributes), Biocontrol (Influencing the biology of another), and Puppeteering (taking over the body of another without taking over the mind - scary!).
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspMystic Races, Legendary Creatures, and Mystic Beings: Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, Unicorns, Ogres, Goblins, Unaging (folk who can still be killed but do not age), Immortals, etc. If you have survived into the modern world, good for you! If you want to remain among the living, keep a low profile.

16. Themed Antagonists. Beware, those who wield mystical power or exist outside the covers of a book. There are those individuals and institutions with resources great and small who look to make your blasphemous existence a short and painful one, or to strap you down in some underground dissecting room for examination. In an age of Surveillance Cameras and Cell Phones, Reddit, YouTube and Facebook, assume someone is always looking, always watching, always waiting to send their altruistic or nihilist agents of doom. They might be the shadowy figure watching from a window. They might be a member of your own community who was spared only by agreeing to become one of their agents...

The (Incomplete) List
Of Genres and Tabletop Games I Play
In No Particular Order


Eclipse Phase

Eclipse Phase is a tabletop roleplaying game of post-apocalyptic transhuman conspiracy and horror. An "eclipse phase" is the period between when a cell is infected by a virus and when the virus appears within the cell and transforms it. During this period, the cell does not appear to be infected, but it is.Take part in a cross-faction secret network dubbed Firewall that is dedicated to counteracting "existential risks" — threats to the existence of transhumanity, whether they be biowar plagues, self-replicating nanoswarms, nuclear proliferation, terrorists with WMDs, net-breaking computer attacks, rogue AIs, alien encounters, or anything else that could drive an already decimated transhumanity to extinction. Can we be saved from ourselves?
TAG: Roleplaying, Sci-Fi, Horror


Welcome to the Sixth World. The year is 2075, and if you want to survive this world, you need to figure out what you are willing to pay. Megacorporations call the shots here, making most of the common citizens dance to their tune—or crushing them underfoot if they dare interfere with the pursuit of ever-expanding profit. Most people don’t have the will to fight back, but there are some people, called Shadowrunners who stand as the last spark of independence. You are one of them, fighting to survive and maybe thrive. You may be human, elf, dwarf, ork or troll, but whatever you are, you will be tested to your limits if you want to have any chance in this grim world of Magic and High Technology.
TAG: Roleplaying, Ultra-Modern, Fantasy, Cyberpunk


Pathfinder puts you in the role of a brave adventurer fighting to survive in a world beset by magic and evil! Take on the role of a canny fighter hacking through enemies with an enchanted sword, a powerful sorceress blessed with magic by the hint of demon blood in her veins, a wise cleric of gods benevolent or malign, a witty rogue ready to defuse even the deadliest of traps, or any of countless other heroes. The only limit is your imagination!
TAG: Roleplaying, High Fantasy, Steam Punk

World of Darkness

The monstrous, hidden horrors of the World of Darkness permeate human society. Strange creatures hunt lonely alleys and prowl in high society soirees with equal ease. You never even realize what they are until it's too late.
TAG: Roleplaying, Modern, Supernatural, Horror. Werewolf, Changeling, Vampire, Wraith, Demon, Mage


Exalted is the tale of a forgotten mythic age, a time when spirits walked openly among men, the world was flat and floated atop a sea of chaos, and the restless dead roamed on moonless nights. Heroes granted power by the mightiest gods war and intrigue against one another for the fate of the Realm. These are the Exalted, and their one-time rulers, the mighty Solar Exalted, have recently returned to reclaim the world from those that betrayed them. The Solars can slay gods with immortal blades, balance on a drifting feather, master all-powerful sorcery, walk unburnt across endless deserts, and outwit the demon princes of Hell..
TAG: Roleplaying, Mythic, Supernatural, Anime. High Fantasy

Big Eyes, Small Mouth

Big Eyes, Small Mouth is a tabletop role-playing game that was designed to simulate the action of anime and manga. It is frequently referred to by the acronym BESM. The title alludes to the common anime drawing style of characters with huge, expressive eyes and comparatively small mouths.
TAG: Roleplaying, Anime.

Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic

Bureau 13 is a fictional top-secret government agency which investigates and combats supernatural events, featured in the eponymous role-playing game (RPG) series. The Bureau's motto is "Protecting America from Everything". Stalking the Night Fantastic is a Bureau 13 horror game released by Tri Tac Games in 1983.
TAG: Roleplaying, Supernatural.

Dungeons and Dragons

The Iconic Roleplaying Game that set the wheels turning for so many to follow. I have played 1st Edition, AD&D, 3rd, and 3.5. It is played the world around by A-List Celebrities and Sweaty Nerds living in their parents' basement, and everyone in between. What is Dungeons and Dragons? You can think of it a lot like a collective choose-your-own-adventure book. One player prepares a fantasy story of sorcery and adventure, then the rest of the players take charge of characters in that story and gather together—preferably around a kitchen table—to cooperatively tell the tale. Maybe the story is a mystery. Maybe it follows the classic hero's arc. Or, heck, maybe the story is just thin window-dressing with a series of spectacular battles. D&D is all of these things, and just as there is no single best way to tell a story, there is no "right" way to play D&D - but there is no other experience like it.
TAG: Roleplaying, Supernatural, Magic.

Call of Cthulhu

Based on the Mythos started by H.P. Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu is the world’s best roleplaying game of mystery and horror. You take on the role of everyday people who become investigators of the unknown - whether they are prepared or not. The mysterious places, people, and situations you encounter are often not what they seem - you and your friends are the only thing standing in the way of diabolical cults and cosmic monsters from beyond space.
TAG: Roleplaying, Supernatural, Horror, Lovecraft, Mystery

Star Wars


All Flesh Must Be Eaten

Buffy the Vampire Slayer




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