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Love Me or Hate Me

God willing I will become stronger then all this,
Ill show you all I am so much better then shit,
I stand up, gotta be strong, I wanna be heard,
But my every word is something so absurd,
You cant take my soul, cant touch my pride,
Because the pride I have is a jewel buried deep inside,
You cant make me feel ashamed of who I am,
Because if I wasn't me, then I would be damned,
To a life without freedom and the things I hold true,
Living an empty life that has no type of moral value,
This is the path I have chosen and you need to back up,
Your talk is more then I can handle, and I hold all the luck,
Without your reserve your corruption and lies,
I'm beating it all back like a swarm of flies,
Get over it, I'm not a child so mind your "Q"s and "P"s,
Let me live my life, thats a demand, I wont say please!
-Spc Ernst
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