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Avatar depuis : 2006-05-23
Age: 36
États-Unis - NC
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"family matters most"

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Relationship Status: Married
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The two boys moved around each other as in a dance. Their swords in continuous movement. As they circled each other, occasionally, a passing glance could see half of their bodies bending backward as they dodged a close swing. The sound of their parries could be heard from a hundred yards. It had been a nice day. The skies had been clear, the temperature had been cool with a slight breeze, and the birds were singing the songs of spring. but this was not daytime. The predators were out now. As the two boys continued their dance, a man stood a short distance off watching them. “That is enough, boys.” Said the man. “William, come here, my boy. Your stance is strong and your sword strikes true. You will make a fine king one day.” “Thank you, father, but I am not ready to be king someday, who would dare to cross swords with you?” questioned William as he approached King Thorivol and knelt. “You must be ready nevertheless, my son. Ryo, you must learn to not be timid or angry while in combat, a more skilled opponent would have killed you!”Exclaimed the king. “Yes, King Thorivol. Your wisdom is beyond your years and what you say is undoubtedly true. I vow upon my life and honor that I will be the best swordsman this world will ever know!” As he said this, he knelt in front of the king and kissed his ring. It should be known at this time that Ryo’s parents were killed when he was young. The man that killed them told him to grow up strong and left a scar across his left eye that started above his nose and diagonally across to make him remember. King Thorivol took him in. He treated those in the Royal Family of Pullizzi as if he was their servant because he knew that they did not have to put up with him if they did not want to and gave them their proper honors. Most of them expected it, but some refused his services because they saw him as a brother. Highest among this crowd, William not only saw him as a brother and refused his help, but he was also Ryo’s closest friend. The Queen herself often said that he was one of the greatest sons that she never had. The King, on the other hand, was always more abrasive with Ryo, but he in fact counted him as a son of his bloodline. “Pull out your bows and shoot that.” Said the King, pointing at a target one hundred yards away. The two pulled out their bows and knocked arrows. William sighted in and shot within and shot within a few seconds of each other. It hit inside of the second ring. It took Ryo a little bit longer to sight in the target. The King was about to say something to him about it when heard the twang and the subsequent THUMP of the arrow hitting the target. Ryo’s arrow had hit dead in the center of the target. When the King looked back at Ryo, he was already carefully unstringing his bow. “Why do you not become an archer over being a swordsman? You are much more proficient at it.” Praised the King. “My King, though archery is both a skilled and vital piece of warfare, I look forward to being drenched in my enemy’s blood.” “Very well. “Replied the King. “Next, see how close you can get to me in my throne room before I notice you.” The next moment, he was gone. “Well, Ryo, this should be fun. Who is faster? I’ll bet you that I will not only win, but I can get a nap in before you get there.” William said with a chuckle. “You may have the Royal bloodline in you, but I’ll be damned if I do not beat you. ha, ha, ha.” As he said this, Ryo was wearing a sick, sadistic smile on. They took off. They sped past the giant fountain that had King Thorivol as the centerpiece. William ran around it, while Ryo simply jumped the corner. William and Ryo ran past the garden that was maintained by various feeders during the day. “Ha, ha, ha! You are already fa-“ “Wake up, William, wake up!” exclaimed a familiar voice. He woke up with a start. He sat up in his bed, and saw that it was the late afternoon; there were slits near the ceiling to let in enough light to see the surroundings. “Why do you wake me so early?” William said while turning to confront the voice. “And why are you crying, my dear?” He wiped the blood from his wife’s eyes. “I have terrible news, King Thorivol is…” Laura paused; she found it hard to say it. She started crying again. “Are you saying my father is dead? Do we know who did it?” Laura shook her head in response. “Justice must be found!” He got up and stormed out of the room. He found his way to Ryo’s room. His room was very simple, he preferred the traditional coffin, and it was dark. The few things that were in his room were his sword and bow with quiver and arrows. The Queen had often asked if he wanted anything for his room, but he always refused because they had already taken him in and supported him and did not want to impeach on their hospitality any more than he already was. Ryo groaned, “What is it William, it is still daytime.” He said from the confines of the still closed coffin. “My father has been killed.” Was all that William said. Ryo shot out of his daytime resting place and punched the wall across the room as hard as he could, he did not care if it did damage to the wall or to him.
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