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Avatar since: 08/06/08

United States - CA
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Chris Chrisss!(:
Looking For: Chatting
Shiddddd Its Yahhh Boy jon jonn; Yah Knoww. But im a Cali Boii! I dnt Kill Time i Always Take Control Of it. Easy Person To get Along With Just NO! Bullshittinnnn. Lolz Im Hellaaa Goofy! I Am Takeeeennnn 7.1.2k10 So No Hollaazz. I am 22 Yrs Old.I dnt even associate with ppl under 17. because ppl younger just Be on Some Real Cow Shitt!! Hhaaa Im A Lyricallistt! Im a Rapper, Singer, Song writter anything in the music feild i can probably do:) But Im reppin D.B.F To the Fullestt! Im from Long Beach Californiaaaa! Yahhhh. Haha Im A Mommas Boiii. Hmm Anything Else U want to Know Kill Dha Inbox!

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::PUMA:: Faux ExtremeP. Pierced Metal Mania[LF] Diamond Boi - CutBobbyFresh Jealousy vTeeObeyHolidayButtonUpShirt
Alphanummeric ButtonUp2Artful Dodger Jeans[HS] Blue jeans LV::PUMA:: URBAN white 2|BO|V tee
|BO|pC checker|BO|rolling stones tee|BO|dc retro tee::PUMA:: Cargo CJ 1D| Supra Kicks
[S]BLable MyLife Tee.TK|KR3W SweaterD| Levis Grey PantsHipHop The Cool Vol.4spacer
Special Someone
Ahhhh My Chriss Chriss >.< Mmmmm EveryTime I tlk to You I feel So Together. Like i made it through everybad thing but everybad thing was over when i met you. You brought safe ness and happyness to my heartt Baby. Hmmmm I like Your Swagg Your personality. What I think of you is not just your looks. i like you for who you are. I know your the one this time all of the other girls were just a waste of my time but your the one thats worth it:)<3
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