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Avatar depuis : 2008-02-19
Age: 34
États-Unis - NC
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"It means a lot to fight for something you want even if you dont get it"

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My names Crystal and im 18 and i live in North Carolina. I have two brothers and two sisters.
Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Friendship
Quelqu'un de spécial
Heres my GREAT MOM. She does anything for me. She is an amazing person. Shes a very good Dj too. I love you very much mama.
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Being myself stickercool me stickerrawr cuteblack and grey dressangeldepression  hurts me
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:KT:BadGalShorts BLK{KsKx}Kotomi - Blck/BlndSeMosPalmTatu+Pose*H[$UL$]D*~What if*KH* KatyPerry Blk Dress
magical lightblastANDIE Painstream*EH*Dream DanceANN Untie Polo BLACK REDrealistic brown chisuzu
SeMosBeachCutieBabe[7E] Angelic Relics - Lid*Urban DivaSoftDreams/Bracelets*Belted* Purple
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generosity Générosité 5

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lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala, OK. I like to watch movies a lot and my favorites are Spider-Man movies, Harry Potter movies, Underworld movies, Resident Evil movies. I like a lot more in to movies a lot and oh yeah that new movie iron man it was alsome :p. I play playstation 2 and a few gamecube games. My favorite game is the two kingdom hearts games, cant wait untill the third but it will be on ps3 :( Oh and i like the game resident evil 4 for ps2. Lets see i love playing sports my favorite sport is softball if you ever need a extra player im in :D. I like basketball and a lot of other sport, almost all. Of course i like getting on the computer i play imvu, kaneva, endless online, them other virtual worlds. I have a myspace i check daily if i can, i have msn, and yahoo. Just to say this but is a good place to see some movies sometimes when you look for the parts like harry potter part 1 or something. Well heres really two good sites to watch shows all the brane new episodes and brane new movies on. The better one is and the other . Enjoy. In real life im kinda shy when i first meet you so yeh, but i get use to you quick so no bother, unless i really dont like you much. Ok music i mostly like punk music, like fall out boys, panic at the disco, green day, linkin park, evanscene, pink, avril lavange, chemical romance, paramore, one republic, 3 doors down, daughty, red jumpsuit app.,switchfoot,the fray, coldplay, three days grace uh cant think of more now but thats a lot of them. I like coutry to like rascal flatts, carrie underwood.or some other groups like marron 5, hinder, kelly clarkson, korne, boys like girls. I hang out with my brother a lot so i guess thats why im a tom boy :P. Ok cant think of more just now but if i remeber what else to say ill get back on and put it. :) Also if you read this you deserve to take this survey and get 150 real credits, you can do it everyday. copy and paste.
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