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Avatar since: 10/05/2008

Age: 33
United States - PA
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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships
Hi I'm Emily And Most Likely The Nicest Person You Have Ever Met In Your Entire Life. I'm Nice Too Everyone Even If Your The Biggest Noob (: I Was Raised That Way And Damn-well Sticking to it . I Live IN Pennsylvania Nothing Really Special ABout That P.a Must Be One Of The Most Boring States On This Damn Planet! I'm More Mature For My Age Even Tho I Do Like To Crack Jokes And Sometimes Talk like this .: I Wuffies You Soo Muches <3. I Love To Joke Around Thats How Ive always been. DONT GET ME WRONG! I Can be very serious!(:, Im Really Loving And Caring And Unless Your Blind You'll Be Able To See That. Tho If Your Blind You Cant Read This. LOL!(: My Birthday is sep.12 (: DOnt forget it! i love to give gifts to people! Don't Get Me Wrong I LOVE Spending It On me To But =p. Don't Be Afraid To Message Me I Dont Bite Hard.. heeh (: Ill Make Sure I Will REPLY Always. I LOVE YOU ALL <3 Love, Emilyy
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EmilyxGore_retired_25763451 n'a pas de meilleur ami.

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