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Welcome to my homepage.

Check out my IMVU shop. Open to making custom textured products, I don't mesh.

Check out my Etsy shop: SimpleBeautyByLiz

Here for devving/creating and friends.

I like online games such as Age of Empires 2, Gunz2, Torchlight 1 & 2, and phone games.

If you're interested in being friends just hit me up, don't random invite without a message first.

Also into art such as painting, drawing, coloring, jewelry making, etc.

Don't have a banner right now.
Mes nouveaux produits Voir toutes
Galaxy Pod SeatingGalaxy Moon CuddleGalaxy Box HangoutDark Passion Chill CouchPassion Bar AquariumDark Passion Corner Tank
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Obtenez ce badge Red Diamond
Obtenez ce badge Purple Rose
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