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There are no new products..
I've been using a LINUX computer for quite some time now. I miss making new products and think about making more almost every day, but I can't... I have tried everything I can think of to find a way to rejoin the active community without giving up the operating system I have grown accustom to. I despise windows and cannot get into the MAC thing. I will continue to check in from time to time but am unable to gift anything without the chat program running... I miss IMVU.... I was just getting started..
Jesster Hat Color11Jesster Hat Color10ToxicJesster Hat Color09Jesster Hat Color08Jesster Hat Color07Jesster Hat Color06
À propos de moi
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statut en ligne

Avatar depuis : 2006-08-29
Age: 43
États-Unis - TX
Last log on:

"Flip carry hang hang scrub spider fly.."

See My Albums (1)

No! Wait! Don't!
Here's the deal. I don't do much on IMVU except, on rare occasions, upload new items. I don't make a lot of credits yet, but I do make more than I need. Lately I have been going to people's homepages and, once in a while, giving away 10k-25k in credits. I've decided to make it official for those who care.
The Catch
If I am looking to give you credits I will go to your homepage.

To save some time here is a list of things that matter to me:
-I will be keeping a list of people who ask me for credits. Those on the list shall not win.
-I look at the layout of your homepage. I do account for taste. Sorry.. my contest.
-I keep to myself so don't be surprised if I don't say anything and just give you some credits.
-I expect no social status BS to follow this so don't get offended or feel special because you did or didn't win.
-How I find your homepage depends entirely on me. You may have bought something from me. You might have visited my page recently. I may have just closed my eyes and started clicking at random and when I opened them there just happened to be someone's homepage in front of me that didn't make me close my browser.
-You may or may not have evidence of having owned a blue and orange Button Neilot from planet Sountifia in the Zun Prime Cluster

Good luck, or something.

Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Other
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Quelqu'un de spécial
It's bat goblin rat o'clock.
Mon Classement
   Amis 5
   Visiteurs 167
   Cadeaux 1
generosity Générosité 7


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