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Avatar depuis : 2006-07-20
Age: 47
États-Unis - GA
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"goth girls are my favorite toys!!!!"

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Just Some Basic Info On Me!

~Physical ~

Yes it's make up and all sloppy.
Sexual organs: I have an inny
Time spent screwing up on earth: 28yrs
From the ground to the top of my head: 5 ft 7 in
The shape of my flesh sack: I curve in at all the right outwardly curves are nice too
The color of my tangled mess: magenta mohawk reaching down to one of those outwardly curves on my backside
My mirrors: they are ever changing as put them into a basic category....Hazel
My sh*t kickers: Hmmm....don't know why I put this in here.....well, for all you feet ppl they are size 8-9"s
The skin art: 2 and both are dragons
My ornaments: 14....they decorate from the my head down to.....well, that is a secret that I don't like to share

~Real life hang ups......I do love all my hang ups though!~
Is there a ruling fist at home: well, yes it is me, but sometimes I lead my man to think he is.....gotta keep him happy
Demon seeds: 3 boys.....they are my perfect little sh*ts
Four legs: love them all....just don't have any right clan is big enough......although I do have some fishing bait living in a tank
Location of my chaos: north Georgia mountains.... these mountain own me, although I was originally spit out in Florida

~My Tastes!~
I am on here to make new friends and have some mind stimulating conversation......If you are female there might come a little eye winking and butt pinching........all males must respect and keep hands to themselves........
What makes me want to hurt....Mmmm, love it!

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Ma wishlist
LilPunkette Boots-StripeDemented Cheshire CatELVEN Red DragonessWht purple vine enhancedDark Illusion Ella Hair
Extra long BURGUNDYMohawk Black, GreyTips FMaryjane wrapup BurgandyAvadra Design RequestELVEN Deceit Boots
~M~ Bloody Thigh-Highs[lP] Striped Top2 |TorchWound EekTop W/ SleevesELVEN My ToreadorRuby/Onyx Spike Col.
Dark Herem Bangles(L)spacerspacerspacerspacer
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