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Avatar since: 16/07/2008

United States - TX
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Haii My name is Gaby I Enjoy IceCream Waffels Nd Cloloring Outside the Lines Tel yhur Mom i said Hai
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship

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Black and White Graphics Im the girl who used to wake up with regrets. I didn't like the person I was or the actions I did. But now that I look back, as many bad things there were, there was a good thing to fallow. Im Gaby. I have a lot to my story. I love to laugh and spend time with the people I care for most. I love living my life how I want. People say I wont be successful with the path I am walking on, but I think every successful person in life does what makes them happy. No matter how fucked up my family is I will always love them in a way. Black and White Graphics
Whyy yhu Care (:
