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Dear Jack: I want to say I love you. I dont think Ill ever stop loving you. Your the sweetest Guy Ive ever met. *kisses* Your everthing to me I would give the world jus to be with you. I mean it, Ive never been so in love with anyone, not like how I am with you. Your always so kind to me, You make me happy even when I feel the worst I possibly could. I absolutely Positively, without any doubt, most definitely,unconditionally,No ifs and's or buts, no strings attached, right on, straight out, unquestionably Love Jack Smith :]
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Avatar since: 01/08/2008

Age: 32
United States - TX
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Your mom, *****.
Statut de la relation: En couple
Let me tell you a story about a crazy bitch from big-c Got an ass for a skinny bitch, livin' in the city Livin' off mom and daddy, spendin' money, gettin' shitty Get fucked, did he even say your hair was fuckin' pretty?
Yeah, she's always been happy on her back Gettin' slapped with a cock on her snatch Oh my god, is that a rash? Givin' up the ass so fast it's sad, beatin' it up like Everlast Check the hour glass; how much time has passed?
So me and this bitch get to goin' to a party Gotta couple drinks in her now she's lookin' kinda horny Now she's lookin kinda flirty, snortin', laughin' kinda nerdy You know how it be, she was lookin' at me, now we gettin' kinda dirty
But little do I know this bitch be tryin' to play me a fuckin' trick Bitch, how am I 'posed calm down when you grindin' on my dick? I thought I guess I'll spend some time to get that behind But I'll come to find out that it ain't that hard to get up in your shit
Legs split, little tits in my fists Little mitts on my prick, shake her up, shake her up a little bit No self respect, just gettin' wrecked, just gettin' sexed by the best No time to rest, no time to test the waters, divin' in and gettin' sick
I really wish I hadn't done all that although it may have been deemed Necessary even though it makes me want to fucking scream It makes me want to fucking scream It makes me want to fucking scream It makes me want to fucking scream It makes me want to [screams]
Let me get this back on track, this bitch was whack Probably smokin' crack, doin' smack off a hooker's rack Always livin' in the past, never giving back all the crap I spat At her ungrateful ass
So the day I leave for Cali, girly got this dude named Mikey Now he owes me a lot of money and he better give it to me 'Cause I put up with his shit once; long story short: she's a slut But what did I expect when I got it so fast? I was ignorant as fuck
She's an overratin', hatin', stubborn bitch, a spawn of Satan Baitin' boys to her bedroom to con them into matin' To con them into stayin'; Using condoms or just fakin'? I don't think I'm mistaken but your cervix must me breakin'
So I hope I got you thinkin' all the boys that you've been fuckin' Must be tired of fuckin' tastin' all the cock that you've been suckin' All the cum that you've been chuggin', all the nuts that you've been bustin' All the niggaz you've been hustlin', gettin' tired of gettin nothing
Givin' you cash for a room with no A/C to blast, I guess they guess they gettin' somethin' Yeah, they probably hittin' somethin' yeah, they probably gettin' something Humpin' down in your bed, bumpin' heads, I hope your dog is dead. I don't regret what I said, I only miss the head
Should have dropped it quick when you pulled that shit in his back seat I knew it never meant shit when you said you loved me I knew it never meant shit when you said you loved me

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