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Avatar since: 24/06/2008

Age: 31
United States - FL
Last log on:

from 23k to 8k in a day~... WOOT?
Relationship Status: Single
Mes amis (5)

Current Outfit: Casual

Hihi~! This is xToxxicated. Call me Toxic! I'm 16, Female, and from USA. I'm not really 16, I'm 13 but that's ok! Yes, I am very hyper most of the time, so make sure you can handle me if you chat with me~! My appearance depends on my mood. Sometimes I am in normal clothes, emo clothes, elegant clothes, and sometimes a GothLoli. So don't let my avatar picture fool you! Don't be a jealous bitch and we'll get along! I've had problems with that a few times and I'm NOT going to take in anymore of it. I'm single and I would like a boyfriend but that doesn't mean I'll act slutty like the other girls. I love manga, anime, drawing, and mostly everything fun~! I do hate sports though... Thank chuz for visiting my page!
Quelqu'un de spécial
xToxxicated n'a pas de meilleur ami.

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