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The Cliches:

1. lolz will u b my gf?
Reply: Mm, I have a boyfriend. To be brutishly frank, he facilely soars above all that you are, you asinine varmit.

2. Why are you such a bitch?
Reply: My nature has been nurtured and altered by brutal experiences.

3. Why do you act like you're so much better than everyone else?
Reply: Mind aerobics- I exercise my brain by inflating my ego.

4. omg stop being so rude!!!11!! be nice to ppl or ur gonna have no friends left!!!!SHIFT1!! ur gonna be alone!!!!!ELEVEN!!!!11
Reply: Hello, Kreskin! Would you mind if I introduce you to my friend James Randi?

5. wanna chat?
Reply: Hm, I am on a chatting site...

6. I love you.
Reply: Didn't we just meet 25 minutes ago?

7. add me
Reply: My buddylist is for BUDDIES. Odd, I know.

8. wut do u luk lyk in rl
Reply: I'll show you if I care enough to do so.

9. fuck u bich ur a fuckin hore i fuckin hate u ur so mean i hope u fuckin die
Reply: How charming! :)

10. omg i lyk ur page. omg can u do mine oh n my avi pic!!!!!!!!!!
Reply: Oy vey :\

11. how do i git creditz
Reply: Alt+f4

12. will u buy me credits?!
Reply: Dead presidents will never rest in peace if they are wasted on your petty being.

13. ur awkward
Reply: Ding-ding! We have a winner!
Follow the bandwagon down its dirt road and jump aboard.
À propos de moi
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Avatar depuis : 2008-02-15
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"She swallows their toothsome venom, how its residue clings to her teeth"

See My Albums (1)

I empathize with serial killers and drink my tea with a spike of Picasso's favorite wine.

I could give my name, but that would be irrelevant, as it does not establish my personality, nor does it even hint at who I am. My name is but a label stitched upon this fleshed sac of bones, organs, blood, and veins.

So, who am I? I am a well put-together mess, like a room with an overflowing closet but a clean floor. Every day my imperfections evoke an innumerable amount of mistakes, which leaves me submerged uncomfortably in regret and embarrassment- like a fish in filthy water. My compunctious humiliation then causes waves from my overflowing closet to rise. They tumble and assault me, but awkwardly I swim on, sickly, but swiftly.

As I continue to swim on obstinately, people breast-stroke and doggy-paddle in a different direction, which again leaves me clasped by the claw of regret’s undertow. I’m malevolent, undiplomatic, and choleric. It is because of those characteristics that I live in solitude. Although the constant isolation causes me to be filled with antagonizing loneliness, my unyielding nature makes it impossible for me to alter my behavior. In time, with a tail of fury and fins sleek with a coat of determination, I manage to release myself from the riptide. Unaided, I continue..

Bloated with pride, I reject the idea of doctoring my flaws. Although their vivid existence results in the incapability of creating relationships with others, never will I attempt to enshroud them with the façade of community's "perfect" mold. Selfishly, I will swim on in society’s waters and pollute them with my self-glorification.

Darling, do not mind the girl whose mind is but a mumble. She'll only fill your head with the words you wish to be said.
Relationship Status: In a Relationship

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