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Avatar depuis : 2007-01-01
Age: 39 18+ Age Verifié Âge vérifié
États-Unis - OH
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"Hey :)"

See My Albums (3)

Read This
My name is Jami. Thanks for stopping by.

Leave a message and I will respond as soon as possible.

If you spam me, you will be reported, blocked, and possibly harassed, depending on my mood.

Don't ask me to buy you anything. I buy things for people when and if I want to and have the credits to spare.

In addition to the above, let me make it known that like most people, I like gifts. However, don't feel obligated to get me anything. I use my wishlist to help me remember what to buy, nothing more.

I delete people off my buddies list that don't at least make an effort to stay in contact with me. If you had a good reason, I will re-add you if asked to.

I'm here for chatting and friendship only. If you're looking for something more, please look elsewhere. I'm not interested.This means I will NOT have cyber sex with you.

If you invite me to chat and then don't speak, or it takes you over two minutes to type a one word response, I will leave and never accept another chat request from you again. Nothing will piss me off quicker.

I have little patience for boring and/or stupid people.

If you have no sense of humor, avoid me like the plague.

If you are here simply to start drama, leave me the hell alone. Go bother someone else.

Being an annoying little twit will not get you anywhere with me. I'll simply end up calling you an ass and ignoring you.

I'm a very honest person. I expect the same of you.

I chat with one person at a time. First come, first served.

I am a very sarcastic and cynical person. I like to joke, and I like to tease, sometimes at the expense of others. If you have a tendency to take things personally, you might not want to talk to me.

If you ask me something that I've already answered on my page, like my "A/S/L", I'm probably going to mess with your head.

If I decline your invitation to chat, it doesn't mean that I hate you. I was probably either chatting with someone else, or shopping the catalog.

The easiest way to start a potential "friendship" with me on here is to leave me messages. I respond to all of them, and if I don't send you a message within a reasonable amount of time, say two days, and you have not broken my messaging rules, it is probably an honest mistake, so send me another one.

One last thing...if I visited your page, but didn't leave a message, it was probably because I either honestly got distracted by something...or I didn't want to message you because of the content on your page. The only reason the latter will happen is if you are an idiot who can't spell to save your life, you are a cyber junkie interested in only one thing, or you are boring and your page has no original content. I may also have simply been curious, especially if I saw that you came to my page but didn't leave a message.

More About Me
For those of you who may want to know a bit more about me, I’ll humor you a bit.

I am a Leo, born July 31st, 1984. In some ways, I can be very different from the typical conception of someone born under that sign. I'm very much an introvert; I find that even when I enjoy their company, people exhaust me and I need copious amounts of alone time in my own space. I am also very bad at "small talk", preferring very much to have an actual topic to discuss rather than the "what's up" thing. However, in some ways I am very much a Leo. I’m argumentative, stubborn, very loyal and protective of the people I care about, way too generous at times, and extremely impulsive. I can be abrasive; sometimes I push buttons just to see how far I can push them. I’ve got an awful temper, and I can be very jealous and possessive at times. I’m very moody, rather random and a bit neurotic, though my crazy has been called "good crazy" or "fun crazy". Surprisingly, I'm quite emotional and can be too sensitive at times. I am friendly and truly enjoy helping others out. I am probably one of the least judgmental people you will ever meet but I am honest, even brutally so. I love to make people laugh and have been told I am good at it. I am also not very forgiving and though my loyalty and caring nature mean it may take me a while to do it, when I am done, I am truly done. I am also globophobic.
My interests include reading, PC gaming, and music. I love Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer-the show not the movie-, Alice in Wonderland, Mortal Kombat, Star Trek, and Pokémon to name a few. For more general/random likes/dislikes, click the boxes below.

I Support...
DVD Rentals

Looking For: Chatting
I thank you kindly for visiting my page. I cannot stress it enough, if you are interested in getting to know me a bit better please leave a message! I really do enjoy meeting new people.

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