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Avatar since: 19/08/2008

Age: 46
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Relationship Status: Single
Vampires, Ghouls, Goblins, Emos, Witches, Warlocks, Thugs, Anime, Cattle ( Also known as Humans) Jezebels, Wolfs, Gipsy's or Whatever character you are on or off imvu.......~WELCOME~......I hope your enjoying yourself so far. Now If I can have a moment of your time, I have some reading material or RULES to be more precise :) that must be followed at ALL times so I can better serve you HA! HA! :D......................... 1. Please leave a message on my homepage, its polite. Even if you only wish to say HI! I will return your message....................... 2. You don't have to buy me gifts unless you really DESIRE or POSSESSED to................. 3. There's absolutely, positively no reason to speak proper, professional or polite on my homepage. COME AS YOU ARE! I do so very much like NAUGHTY messages public not private and occasionally some Hate, Drama, and rudeness HA! There's nothing more thrilling and exciting besides rough sex ;) then to sign onto my homepage and read all the Drama and sexual messages. I like to call it my Daily News Paper about me for all to read, all day, everyday 24/ 7 HA! :D.......... 4. Please don't ask me for credits unless your WILLING to pay the price.You can't receive something for nothing. I am a generous man but to those who don't ask. Beggars will have to do special NAUGHTY things for me if they wish to receive gifts from Lord Verdad and that goes for the MEN as well. There's no favoritism. I do not discriminate HA! HA! You want credits, you'll have to work for it and work HARD Mmm HA! HA! ;)........................ 5. Don't be shy. You can ask me to CYBER you. It's one of my favorite things to do on imvu ;)................... 6. Due to HIGH volume request. I think it would be best to leave a message rather than invite me to your palace because I am mostly on a Do Not Disturb Mode setting so if you wish to speak with me OR want to just have good fun then you must leave a message only on my homepage public or private and I will set an APPOINTMENT with you. As I said earlier due to high volume of requests I can only serve one person at a time.You may be on a waiting list :D Today might not be your day, or tomorrow but I will notify you as soon as theres an opening available. Especially if you are a beggar and you want me to buy you a gift.................. ............ Those are the rules. Please be advised if you DISOBEY me (2 times) Which I do hate so much. I will band you from ever coming on my page a 3rd time. I'm not asking for much so please obey my rules. It would make my MISERABLE endless life happy for that moment. I thank you for taking your precious time to read my RULES I hope you were able to understand my English, for I am still learning. Now please continue enjoying your visit but keep in mind about the rules. That is all. Thank you and may darkness be with you all ~666~
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RG Master Avatar 03M! anim/sound 3 br songs(FL) Drow Cottage[AS1]MagicPose-Dance IIReaver Damaged Armor
[69S] VIGORwitches brew and tableFrench Embroydered Coatspacerspacer
Quelqu'un de spécial
She's My Pet, She OBEYS Therefore She Is My Special Someone. If You Also Would Like To Be My Special Someone, Then You Must Prove To Me That You Can Perform All Of My Demanding Task With A Smile HA! Clubclub Worked Very Hard To Be Here. I'm Sure If You Try Hard Enough You Too Can Share In Her Glory MUHAHAHAHAHA! ;)
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