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Avatar depuis : 2006-06-29
Age : 51
États-Unis - TN
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"I love Dolphins they are free spirited like me!!"

See My Albums (1)

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships
Lets have a contest tell all your friends to come check out my page and the number 3000 vistor will get 10,000 credits yes thats right 10,000 credits so come on have all your friends check me out and lets make it more interesting the first one to send me 20 vistors will get a really special gift from their wish list sooo come on show me spirit and PLEASE NO BEGGARS OR PLAYERS you know who you so so dont bother me....I dont have time for games I just want to have fun and be nice WHY? YOU ASK CAUSE I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You........Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting About me:
Charming Hottie Exchanging Loving and Sensual, Erotic Affection Amorous Nocturnal Goddess Exchanging Lovingwell hello you want to know about me well here goes I am a mother of 2 very beautiful mean rotten ass boys and I am a bartender at Babes Show Club. I love music and any type of dance. I am thankful to have the greatest most wonderfullest best friend in the world, (Dannielle) she is a beautiful person inside and out and I love her dearly. I also love my sweet sexy BITCH cuz, (Branda) and she is a BITCH like me we have lots of fun always when we are together' I love my family very dearly and hold them close to my heart. I have another cuz who is special to me as well her name is Karen and she will always be in my heart... I also want everyone to know I love my bro Eddie and his gal Tasha. I have a sister who has the greatest voice in the world and I love her very very much. I love my parents very very much. Soo that is me and if you cant tell I have a lot of love.......ONE MORE THING TO ADD IN MY ABOUT ME AREA I LOVE ROCK-N-POLE AND ALL YOU FOLKS THAT SUPPORT IT THANKS FOR MAKING IT GREAT AND TO ALL THE BANDS YOU ALL ARE VERY SPECIAL TO ME EVERYONE IN THEIR OWN SPECIAL WAY EVERYONE HAS BEEN SO WONDERFUL TO ME THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING MY FRIENDS.......
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Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Who I'd like to meet:
Your Seduction Style: Siren / Rake
You possess an unbridled sensuality that appeals to many.
The minute you meet anyone, you can make the crave you almost immediately.
You give others the chance to lose control with you... spiraling into carnal bliss.
A dangerous lover, you both fascinate and scare those you attract.

Music Codes Central

Ma wishlist
Hello all well like everyone I love gifts I am a woman so gifts make me smile but I dont expect any I just like to treat people the way i want to be treated. If you are a beggar I dont have time for you and if you just want to be nice I appreciate you very much. Thanks to all that view my page and feel free to tell me what you think......And remember the key to my heart is PINK and DOLPHINS.....LOL LOL LOL
*MD*ALICE SILVER HAIRSilver Crystal Heart Eye[TIF]DIAMOND EYEBROW L[L] BabyBrown Thin EyeB[EM]Diamond Nose Stud
[Nova] Chest Piercings1aYY-Dia Drop Earring SLVS 7 piece jewelry set(MI) Jewels nailsFemale Super Avatar!
Silver Kiss Sophia[C]Angel Kiss SkinaYY-Gun Anklet 9Action PCanopy Hammocksatin pink presents
~AC~Golden Pink Passionspacerspacerspacerspacer
Mes Vidéos
Mes centres d'intérêts
You scored as Soft. You are nice and soft, you love everyone and everyone loves you, while you are fiery or too exciting, you are always pleasant.

















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