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Avatar depuis : 2006-08-27
Age: 34
Last log on:

"I want a special someone =("

See My Albums (1)

Relationship Status: Single
Mes centres d'intérêts
My name is Ryan and i currently live in Queensland Australia, eventhough i wanna move back to Sydney.i dont like it in qld its smelly -holds teddy bear- SHUT UP ITS MY PROCESS :'( I have heaps of lip piercings but some have fucked up. I seem to be very weird at times and i love pulling pranks on people. I'm usually shy around new people. No i don't have a girlfriend on imvu or in real life XP I don't think im pretty at all =3 MY FOSTER PARENTS ARE FUCKTARDS oh yeah and i like swearing alot fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm sorry to the people who like fall out boy but i hate their fucking guts ^^ I like skate boarding although i tend to snap my boards in half. I'm also the bassist and singer for my band..... ... thats it.......-eats cookie infront of you- =P
Friends, stuff, music, australia, Pranks, jackass, viva-la-bam, skatetboarding
Ma wishlist
Buy me pretty things and i'll love you.
Blood Abyss DevinCute Boy Head 5Vampy Special No.1Anime Skin w/EyelinerPP~TuchMe Jean-Blx
LK~AthLi WingsDerranged - RefugeeMangoAttractive Guy Head 4Black Leather Mask[n77] Star Lunar/mono
[7E]Ethical Pants[7E]Ethical BootsOG/Suspenders/V3/Sprocktspacerspacer
Mon Classement
   Amis 12
   Visiteurs 401
   Cadeaux 7
generosity Générosité 1

Quelqu'un de spécial
BiologicalxFather n'a pas de meilleur ami.
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Sometimes I pee when I laugh
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My Recent Visitors (0)
Nouvelles personnes cool
I live herebrisbane
Short or Long Hairlong
Right Handed or Left Handedrighty x]
Shoes Worn 2Daychuck taylors
Weaknessbeing punched/kicked in the nuts
A Perfect Pizzzzacheese :D
Goal I Must Achieve
Overused Phrasewhat the fuck
Thoughts First Waking Upaw crap im late
Best Physical Featurei dunno XP
Bedtimei dont have one
Most Missed Memorybeing with her :[
Pepsi or Cokecoke
McDonalds or Burger Kingmcdonalds, i just love getting pickies with ronald ^^
Single or Group Datessingle *wiggles eyebrows*
Lipton Ice Tea or Nesteatea sucks :>
Chocolate or Vanillachocolate
Cappuccino or Coffeecappuccino
Do you Smokeno
Do you Swearfuck yeah! :D
Do you Model...huh? XD
Do you Singyupp
Have you Been in Loveyeah....
Do you want to go to Collegenah
Do you want to get Marriedsome day
Do you belive in yourselfsometimes
Do you think you are Attractivenope :D
Are you a Health Freakno
Do you get along with your Parentsno way, theyre assholes
Do you like Thunderstormsyeah i suppose
Do you play an Instrument(s)yes
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol....maybe O=)
In the past month have you Smokednope
In the past month have you been on Drugsno
In the past month have you gone on a Dateyeah, and thats the last one
In the past month have you gone to a Mallyup, i scared people in the elevators :D
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos
In the past month have you eaten Sushi
In the past month have you been on Stageyess
In the past month have you been Dumpedyeah XP
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping
In the past month have you Stolen Anythingnah
Ever been Drunkyes lmao my friends filmed it XD
Ever been Beaten upno
How do you want to Diepeacfully o.o
What do you want to be when you Grow Up
Best Clothing Style
Number of Piercings6
Thing(s) I love the most
What country would you most like to Visit
Anorexic or Bullemic
Favorite Technology Thing
Best Hairstyles
Number of things in my Past I Regret


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