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Greetings. I am Dot. Dot is nice. Dot is good. Dot is not beer. Dot is not drugs. If she were drugs, she would be too much for you to handle and you WILL die. Remember this and all will be well and end well.
Currently, I'm trying to become a manga (japanese comics) artist. I also like industrial style art.
One day, i'll learn Japanese, live in Japan, and be Japanese.
I love anime and manga.
I am annoying.
I am very random.
I habe bad spalling. Vawy bad Spalling.
Things About Me
NAME: Alphabet Dot.Com
AGE: 16 years old
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Australia (Born and raised here)
FAVOURATE COLOUR: Purple, orange and red
SKILLS: Art and creativity, I also play electric Bass ^^
INTRESTS: Sureal art, Manga/Anime, Industrial style, Japanese,
FAV. ARTISTS: CLAMP, Dali, Andy Goldsworthy, Luke Chueh, MM
FAV. writeRS: Anne Rice, Stephan King
FAV. ART STYLES: Industrial, manga
FAV. GAMES: KotOR, PoP, AvP, fallout, theif, KH, Sims2, MGS, Masqurade
PERSONAL QUOTE: It means you get results
BIRTHDAY: August the 5th 1991
Ultimate want/dream: Be an extra in a Bollywood film, Be a voice-over in the simpsons, eat a pidgen(?), Become a proper artist, make money off my art, publish my own manga comic, go to Japan, Learn to speak Japanese, Become an exchange student (in Japan ^^), learn to play the Bass guitar (recently accomplished).