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What type of Wolf Spirit are you?

Your a spirit of Light. You are calm and quiet, always looking at the bright side of things. Bad things have happened to you before for certain, but you choose to look passed that, and move on. you're friends bring you happiness, and you would never turn your back on them.
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R U A Vampire, Werewolf, or a Fox

U R A Werewolf You are slightly dark. During the day you live with the humans, but at night you roam free. Mostly, you only kill when you are threatened or challenged. You can form a pack, but generally live alone. Your trust is hard to gain and easy to lose, but you are very loyal and would do anything for those who have earned your trust.
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What Furry are you?

You're the White Wolf. Calm and agrresive at the same time. Your the wises out of your kin. You tend to fight with the Black wolf a lot. "Oh that was smart" Is your sarcastic saying.
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