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 ‪‪‪‪¸¸.•*¨*•‪ ✌ 𝔓𝔦𝔬 ✌ •‪*¨*•.¸¸
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ Name: Lily 백합
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ Age: 21
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ sтяεαмεr ση тωιтcн
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ Introverted by default.
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ Piercings: Lips & Ears
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ Music: metal, Rock, Dubstep, KPop, JRock
   ‪‪   ๑ Movies: Horror, Action, Comedy
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ TV: Family Guy, Pokemon, The Walking Dead
‪‪   ‪‪      American Horror Story, Hemlock Grove, iZombie.
   ‪‪   ๑ Quote: All right, then, I'll go to hell. - Mark Twain
   ‪‪   ๑ Leader of the Boobinati.
 ‪‪‪‪¸¸.•*¨*•‪ ↓Multi Platform Gamer ↓ •‪*¨*•.¸¸
‪ ‪‪‪‪‪══════════════════════════════════════
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ Xbox - EngravedInFlesh
   ‪‪   ๑ PSN - Gigglegasms
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ WiiU - Gigglegasms
‪ ‪‪‪‪‪══════════════════════════════════════
 ‪‪‪‪¸¸.•*¨*•‪ ↓ Sites ↓ •‪*¨*•.¸¸
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ DeviantArt: xgigglegasmx
‪‪   ‪‪   ๑ Twitter: Gigglegasms
   ‪‪   ๑ Instagram: Gigglegasms
‪ ‪‪‪‪‪══════════════════════════════════════
 ‪‪‪‪¸¸.•*¨*•‪ ✌ Games ✌ •‪*¨*•.¸¸
‪ ‪‪‪‪‪══════════════════════════════════════
   ‪‪   ๑ 7 Days to Die
   ‪‪   ๑ Ark: 882 hrs pc | 613hrs Xbox |
   ‪‪   ๑ Banjo Kazooie & Tooie
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Borderlands
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Castle Crashers
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Cod: WAW, BO1, BO2, BO3
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Dark Souls
   ‪‪   ๑ DmC
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Fable 1, 2, 3
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Forza
   ‪‪   ๑ Halo: The Master Queef Collection
   ‪‪   ๑ Need for Speed
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Onigiri
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Outlast: Completed Twice
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Overwatch: Reaper, Roadhog, Genji, Hanzo, D.VA
   ‪‪   ๑ ːPayday2: Lvl 44
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Rare Replay
   ‪‪   ๑ Red Dead Redemption
   ‪‪   ๑ Rocket League: Expert
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Stardew Valley: 136 Hours
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Subnautica
   ‪‪   ๑ TC: Rainbow Six Siege
‪   ‪‪   ๑ Tomb Raider


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