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Avatar depuis : 2006-08-29
Age: 38 18+ Age Verifié Âge vérifié
États-Unis - KY
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See My Albums (1)

lu-rid - Causing shock or horror; gruesome.
af-flic-tion - A condition of pain, suffering, or distress.

Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
Mes nouveaux produits Voir toutes
*LA* White crested tail*LA* White crested*LA* B+W Crested tail*LA*B+W Chinese Creasted*LA* Shuga glider wings*LA* Shuga glider ears

I am very picky about who I add to my friends list here on imvu and xbox live, so don't get offended if I dont add you back or decline your request.
If I am in DND mode, either I'm away from the computer, Developing, or I'm chatting with someone. If Your invite times out, sorry, but sometimes I don't see the invites or I forget to put it in DND mode.

Lurids Chat Rules:
If your under 18 please don't even try to send me an invite. I'm Sorry, but I don't talk to minors.
Do not ask me to cyber! its just not happening.
Don't ask me ASL! all my info is on my page silly.
Don't just send me an invite and not talk. It wastes my time.
Don't beg me for gifts or credits! Would you beg me for money on the street? No. So don't do it online!
Don't be stupid, or be annoying.
And last one, spell out your words! I don't tolerate chat speak.

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Quelqu'un de spécial
LuridAffliction n'a pas de meilleur ami.

Mes amis (4)


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