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Avatar depuis : 2007-01-13
Age: 40
États-Unis - TN
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"Life is full of unexpected surprises."

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Photography is my passion!
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You Are 4% Evil
You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!
What kind of soul do you have?
Good Soul

As a angel sent down from heaven you have plenty of good to spread around. You put others before yourself 100% of the time. If someone you know isn\'t happy, then neither are you until they are and your friends will stay true to you because of this.

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Mes centres d'intérêts
I love hockey! Go Preds!!!
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Scorpio, United States - TN
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MoonlightSnowy Swan lakeHigh White Lacy Tie Ups[M] Sparkle Charm WhiteSparkling Aura SphereAura of fire
INV Couch CuddleArianas Rain forest[SL] PEGASUSGolden Unicorn BalloonAloha Resort
Unicorns castleW.Spa69 Special Black Berettaspacerspacer
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Mon Classement
   Amis 1
   Visiteurs 45
   Cadeaux 4
generosity Générosité 1

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