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Avatar depuis : 2006-04-04
Age: 31
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Music Video Codes By VideoCode.ORG hi my name is nicole and i love playin the violin i love making new friends i love to read i love skate boarding ,bike riding,and skating.i like hanging out with friends i like being in contact with all my friends one way or another i hate pervs i hate people who act like pervs i sometimes sound stupid when talking with friends or people i dont no and sometimes i sound mature i act way more mature than i should for my age i have the greatest friends ever and i hate light colors even though i wear light colors if you have myspace yahoo or chamber of chats i would like to be in contact only if i no i can trust you my hp would of been dark and evil but sense i share with a 12 year old who does not no my meaning of dark and evil is light and sweet but someday she will join me in the dark just like the rest of you will (evil laugh) for i still can not controll my power but when i get older the world will be under my command lmao u know i find myself funny sometimes and other time evil soon i will have a pic of me on this page just like the 12 year old except mine will be evil (im emo not gothic)oh and i will soon have a pic of my 2 dogs fluffy and fang their both wolfs and they only listen to they do not like ppl to touch or else so if i see u in life dont touch me cause i dont want my dear vicious dogs to be put to sleep and their put to sleep who ever touches me better not sleep or be alone, anyway they love to play with bones only bones from animals if its a fake bone they wont eat it fangs the girl shes like the next darth mual or something fluffy of course is a boy hes like chucky from the rug rats when hes alone but when their together they make a great team they r like my heros even if they r dogs fang had puppys like a week ago but she had 3 two of them were boys witch i named black and diablo and the other one was a female witch i named darkangel witch i gave to crystal the 12 year old and i gave darkangel her name because shes just like me and all my friends call me angel or darkangel THNX FOR STOPPIN BY HAVE AN EVIL DAY BYE FOR NOW
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