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Basically, gave up on imvu [Chat], i come on this thingie -taps screen- for groups, and messages. [Which btw, i probably won't reply to cause i'm lazy like that :3] So i'm probably half way to quitting tbh. Stuuupid school. I really cba staying up til like 4 in the morning, talking to peeps i'll never get to meet.-Insert eyebrow smiley- [No offence.] But, yeah. If i know you, I Love You. If i don't know you.....I love you less, but still alot.

Speak Soon Lovelies~

Oh, btw. RAAAAAAH. ♥

Special Mention
Pixel Icons at Ego Box
Clicky the icon for url...

He's a perfect boy. He's there for me when i'm very down, and he can cheer my up, and make my day seem that much better for listening to my rambling. He can type rather fast, y'know. ;] Not sure what i would do if i didn't have him. Scary biscuits. >I Love Him.

Other Special People, No Order...
Ryan | Chaz | Nikki | Dan | Marc | Rhi | Mic | Ash | Kurt | Alicia | Baker | Saaaaammeh. 8D
I can't think atm..there's more definitely... [:

My Recent Visitors (0)
Ma wishlist

Anything on my wl, go for the cheapest, i do not want the expensive things. No point. : )

Z7 Aqua Doll FZ7 Bisque!As! My glassesSwallow BirdSwallows Bird
©.  Narnia visas.|iz| Robins;HW| Holli plaidV' Roses67™ ZombieRot Siren
[bz] Dorothy Heels RedWD::Flirt (top)::[CD]Godiva Dark Brown[*L] Bleed like Me[*L] Denim | blue
Kawaii Choclet NecklaceMORF Suga Cupcake Undiesspacerspacerspacer

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