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Avatar depuis : 2006-03-23
Age: 31
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"I\'m Bored, If You Wanna Be In My New Pic Invite Me!"

See My Albums (1)

Wanna talk ,, sure and if I'm online feel free to invite me but its posible that i'm on "Do Not Disturb Mode"cause I just found out about it last week and its great to relax and chat so if I happen to be in that state,,then feel free to leave a message and we will definitely read it soon and we WILL talk some time,,,Tyanator over and out!
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Mon bac à sable
Nouvelles personnes cool
Mon salon
Quelqu'un de spécial
Tyanator n'a pas de meilleur ami.
Mes amis (6)
Hey people!!! these are my buds and if you want ur picture on there then you better be cool,,,if you piss off one of my buds we'll be having an UNPLEASENT talk!!! Tyanator over and out!
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   Amis 6
   Visiteurs 930
   Cadeaux 4
generosity Générosité 0

Ma wishlist
Seraph™ Jacket Bluespacerspacerspacerspacer
Mes centres d'intérêts
Hey people!! My interests are playing sprorts like football and basketball and soccer and base ball BUT the weird thing is i've NEVER like hockey that much but o well and i like imvu of course and online games and gamer challenges! Tyanator over and out!

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