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Avatar depuis : 2006-06-27
Age: 36
États-Unis - TX
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See My Albums (5)


Ian (Wes200306) is...

nice =)
sexy =O!!!
hot ;)
dull zzzz
boring =|
stupid =/
lovable =>
cute ^^
weird O.o...
funny =D

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Coming Soon!!!

SCO 1 - Den Battles 1

Within Temptation - Forsaken

Coming Soon!!!

SCO 2 - Starlite Valley War 1

Epica - Dance of Fate

Coming Soon!!!

SCO 3 - Den Battles 2

Red - Let Go

Coming Soon!!!

SCO 4 - Den Battles 3

30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill

SCO 5 - Maps of Eopi 1

Evanescence - Tourniquet

Coming Soon!!!

SCO 6 - Maps of Eopi 2

Evanescence - Imaginary

Coming Soon!!!

SCO 7 - Maps of Eopi 3

Within Temptation - The Howling

Coming Soon!!!

SCO 8 - Maps of Eopi 4

Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

SCO 9 - "All About Us"

TATU - All About Us

SCO 10 - Berserk

Nobuo Uematsu - One-Winged Angel

SCO 11 - Lumein Volcano 1

Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become

SCO 12 - "So Cold"

Breaking Benjamin - So Cold

SCO 13 - Den Battles 4

Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away

Hero Fox Interceptor
Hero Prizma Interceptor
Hero Stat Points

Tell Everyone About Yourself
Time started::6:01 PM
Basic About you:
Name:: Ian
Eye color::Brown
Hair Color::Brown
Age:: 19
Birthday::January 2
Tattoos:: nope
Zodiac Sign::Capricorn
Ring Size:: The same size as my finger silly! =P
Grade:: 13½ =>
More about you:
Are you named after anyone?: no
Do you live in the moment?:sometimes...I usually look ahead tho
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?:yea lol
Do you have any secrets?:more than there are stars in the sky...
Do you hate yourself?:no
Do you like your handwriting?'s ok
Do you have any bad habits?:sometimes I bite my nails
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?:I hope so =p
Any regrets?:a few
Do you think life has been good so far?:yes and no
Are you confident?:yes
How long does it take you to shower?:5-10 minutes
What color is your room?: white
Where do you want to attend college?: I am in college =)
Do you...?
Do drugs?:NO
Drink?:I'm italian...duh!
Go to church?:Yes
Sleep with stuffed animals?: Sometimes yes ^_^
Take walks in the rain?:yea
Talk to people even if you hate them?:hmmm prolly
Drive?: haha...haha! -.-...I'm 19...what do you think? =p
Believe in premarital sex?: I've always thought it was wrong
Want to get married?:Yes
Want to go to college?:Yes
Want to have children?: I want a baby girl ^_^
Sing in the shower?: Sometimes
Get along with you parents?:yea =)
Get along with your sibling/s?:I'm an only child =(
Color/highlight your hair?:no...may in the future tho lol =)
Like coffee?:yeah with lots of sugar ^_^
Wear makeup everytime you go out? question...haha jk! the answer is no =p
Love roller coasters?:yeah they're fun
Like to cook?:...well i'm good at it...
Have you ever...?
Hurt yourself? :doesn't breaking my arm count? =/
Been out of the country?:yeah
Been in love?:heck yea!
Done drugs?:heck no!
Gone skinny dipping?:erm...2 people know the answer to that...
Had surgery?:not that i recall...
Played strip poker?:no
Been on stage?:yes
Pulled an all nighter?:yes
Gone one day without food?:haha yea
Slept all day?:yes
Kissed a stranger?:no
Had a dream that came true?:not sure
Broken the law?:eh...
Stolen anything?:no
Been on radio/tv?:no
Been in a mosh-pit?:no
Bungee jumped?:no O_o
Had a dream that kept coming back?:yes
Gone out of state?:yea
Live in other states?:nope
Eaten an entire box of oreos?:not at once O_o
Had a movie marathon?:erm...wait...what? =/
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?:yeah lol =p
Been on a plane?:ya
Ran into a wall?:maybe...
Been rejected by a crush?:crushed by a crush....
Cried in public?:i try to save all the tears for when i'm alone...
Cried over a movie?:yes
Pranked called someone?:no lol
Gotten a cavity?:nope
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?:no
Broken a bone?:yes
Fallen from a tree? ...wait yea that's right, no =)
Passed out?:maybe once...
Been to a theme park?:yup =)
Eaten sushi?:oh yeah! lol =D
This or That
Pepsi or Coke::Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King:: erm....which one serves chinese food? =/
Chocolate or Vanilla::Chocolate
Black or White::Black
Burgers or Hot dogs::Burgers
Boxers or breifs::both =p
Book or magazine::book
TV or radio::TV
is the glass half empty or half full::...WHO THE HELL DRANK OUTTA MY GLASS?!
sun or moon::=/...i love the light that the sun brings, but i also love the peace that the moon brings...
hot or cold::cold
romantic comedy or thriller::romantic comedy lol
waffles or pancakes::idc so long as maple syrup is involved ^.^
Florida or california::Florida
Black and white or color photos::color...tho black and white has a certain quality about it...
The city, the beach, OR the country::hmm I'd say a combo of the beach and the city
Tennis shoes or sandals::I can haul some serious a double s with tennies =D
Sweet or sour:: Sweet and Sour Pork!!! WOOOO!!!!!
Private or publie school::private
Cappuccino or coffee::eh...both?
English or history::history...though i'm better at english lol
Science or math::


Do you believe ...?
in miracles?:yes
in magic?:yes...but i think it's bad...=/
in God?:YES!!!
in Satan?:yeah...grrr -.-
in ghosts?:nope...only angels and demons...
in luck?:no...there's God...and um...well yea...that's it..
in love at first sight?:yea ^_^
in Santa?
in the Easter Bunny?:no but I like bunnies ^_^
in witches?:yea
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?:yes =)
in wishing on shooting stars?:no...but hey i'll do it just for fun =p
that cussing is a necessity in life?:no...but i do it far too often =/...need to stop that lol
yourself?:yes =)
Love and all that -
Do you consider love a mistake?:no
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you:how would i what? =/
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?:yes =)
What is worst about the opposite sex?:that they have to go through the pain of childbirth =/
Who and when was your first crush?:haha i was 3 years old...and there was a 10 year old girl that lived accross the street... I always said that I loved her and that I wanted to marry her someday...lmao!!!
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?:the face, more specifically the eyes... that's what i look at when i see someone
Right this moment...
What are you wearing?: a white tee shirt and blue shorts
What are you worried about?:I'm worried about making the right decisions in many situations in life
What book are you reading?:um...i'm filling out a form....=/
What time is it?:6:25 pm
Are you bored?:no lol
Are you tired?:no
Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?:I was a bit ago
Are you lonely or content?:content
Are you listening to music, if so then what?:songs by skillet and april sixth =)
The Last...
Dream you had::oh geez i forgot =/...
Nightmare::I was trying to contain some weird red alien spiderlike bugs...millions of them...O_o
Time you cried::3 nights ago....
Movie you watched::O_o i don't's been a few days i
Movie you rented::pfft haven't done that in forever...we usually buy them...
Book you read::Seal Team 7
Word you said::said...I'm reading outloud as i go...-.- lol!
Time you laughed::just now =p
Person to call you::my mom =)
CD you played::The soundtrack from JSF (Joint Strike Fighter)
Song you listened to::The Sharpest Lives by MCR
annoyance::...people that are annoying? =/
IM sent or recieved::"yay!"...that was the last one i got...=p haha
Time you yelled::um...also been at least a couple of days
Person you yelled at::dunno
time you wore a skirt:: never!
time you fought with your parents:: idk that was prolly the last time i yelled =/....sorry..>_<
Time you wished on a shooting star:: prolly the last time i saw one =p
Thing you ate:: a philadelphia and mortadella sandwich...mmmm yummy ^_^
Time you showered:: last night
Nail polish color worn:: pink tee hee ^_^ lmfao jk!!! gawd...don't believe everything you hear -.-
Your favorite:
Type of gum:: um...don't chew much gum...aspartame can kill -.-
Restaurant:: um...anyplace with good chinese...oh oo oo yea and i wanna live at taco bell
Season:: Spring
Type of weather:: Cool/Cold
Emotion:: HAPPY!!!! -.-* grrr lol =p =)
Color:: black...then blue...then red/green =)
Perfume:: cough... and Aqua Di Gio by Giorgio Armani
Candy:: um...i like lots of kinds =)
Pizza topping:: mushrooms and pepperoni!!! =D
Fruit:: oranges =>
Veggie:: do fries count? =D
Type of cake:: chocolate....
Magazine:: um...riiiiiiight....-.-
TV Show:: 24 =D
Day of the week:: Friday =)
Month:: wait...december ^_^
Holiday:: Christmas =)
Number:: 7
Sport to watch:: Soccer...I watch basketball sometimes cause the Spurs rock!!! booyah!
Flower:: a red rose
Time Finished:: 6:35 pm
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