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Avatar depuis : 2007-09-30
Age: 34
États-Unis - NC
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See My Albums (2)

I enjoy having actual conversations with people, i usually have a lot to say. Though most of what i talk about is complete randomosity, I still usually manage to come across interesting or a little amusing. I'm eccentric, and i freak some people out but they get freaked in a good way. I'm not a human, I'm a dancer =) theres a huge difference. I love it when people type like they aren't four, would you guys do that for me? So yeah, leave a message and I'd be happy to get to you as soon as physically possible. I don't add people unless i talk to them, so i ask that you at least try to speak to me before you expect anything. I also ask that you don't pollute my page with negativity or beg me for anything because it's rude, plain and simple.
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
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Ma wishlist
This Is My WishLlist.... It's What I Want And Plan To Get. Do What You Want With It.
[S] Medium Head M-SC- HghWaisted Shrts V1{F} Retro Black SkinniesHiWaist DenimShorts GreeHiWaist DenimShorts Br
HiWaist DenimShorts D!Alexus Jeans [Rep]{K} White Denim Mini|a|cherry skinWD::Casual Scene-Teal
[c] Boot Denim blk[c] Cosmo MiniWD::Urban top 2|T| Nerdy's*VP*Eyelashes
[SD]Magic Space ^.^[AS] S Tops Gothic v2PanDoRa*DollyEyes*DGspacerspacer

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